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Cracking Airbnb Superhost: How to get and maintain Superhost status

DALL·E 2023-07-24 16.27.57 - oil painting Image of family at a backyard BBQ having fun and kids playing.

In the realm of short-term property rentals, Airbnb's Superhost status symbolizes excellence and reliability. This coveted distinction is more than just a badge—it's a testament to the host's exceptional hospitality. So, how does one attain this prestigious status? We break it down for you in this guide.

Section 1: Superhost Requirements

Becoming a Superhost isn’t just about listing your property on Airbnb; it demands a consistent track record of excellent service. There are several key requirements:

  • High Ratings: Your overall rating should be 4.8 or higher, showcasing the quality experience you provide to your guests.

  • Consistent Activity: You must have at least 10 stays or 3 reservations totaling 100 nights per year, proving your active participation on Airbnb.

  • Low Cancellation: Maintain a cancellation rate of less than 1%. This highlights your reliability as a host.

  • Adherence to Policies: Complying with Airbnb's policies and local laws is crucial. This compliance reassures Airbnb and guests about the safety and legality of their stay.

  • Prompt Response: Fast responses to inquiries and problem-solving speak volumes about your commitment to providing an excellent guest experience.

Section 2: Superhost Evaluation Timeline

Airbnb reviews Superhost qualifications four times a year—in January, April, July, and October. During these assessments, Airbnb checks if hosts have met the Superhost criteria during the previous 365 days. Thus, it's essential to maintain consistent performance throughout the year, not just the recent quarter.

Section 3: The Perks of Being a Superhost

Becoming a Superhost is a challenging task, but the rewards are well worth it.

  • Visibility: As a Superhost, your property enjoys a higher probability of appearing in search results and being selected by guests. It’s a simple equation—increased visibility leads to more bookings and, consequently, higher revenue.

  • Trust: The Superhost badge brings an enhanced level of trust and credibility. This distinction informs potential guests that you offer a high-quality, reliable hosting experience.

  • Exclusive Benefits: Superhosts gain access to several perks, including priority support from Airbnb, invitations to exclusive events, and increased earning potential through Airbnb’s referral program.


In the competitive world of short-term rentals, striving for Superhost status can set you apart. Yes, it requires dedication, consistency, and a commitment to excellent service. Still, the benefits—increased bookings, more revenue, and a trusted reputation—make it an aspirational goal for every Airbnb host.

Remember, every journey starts with a single step. If you're not a Superhost yet, don't be discouraged. Start by focusing on providing an exceptional experience to each guest and meeting the Superhost requirements. Over time, you'll find yourself on the path to becoming an esteemed Superhost on Airbnb.

Please note that you'll want to verify that all of this information is still accurate at the time of your writing. The details about Airbnb's Superhost program, such as the evaluation timeline and benefits, could change over time.